About Us
The company
Gcycle, founded in 1971, as a small retailer of tyres, wheels, batteries and
wheel alignment servicing in Kedah, northern state of Malaysia. Over a decade,
Gcycle continues to grow by providing excellent service to the customers. Today,
we use modern tyre changing equipments and wheel alignment machines, to service
almost all types of tyres from trailers, cars, vans to large line haul trucks,
buses & coaches, earthmovers, forklifts, and container carriers.
In 2005, Gcycle entered the tyre recycling business. As tyre crumb
rubber has many benefits which has led to continue growth in processing capacity
around the world, we introduced a modern tyre recycling machine in 2008 to
enhance the speed, efficiency and quality of the production. To ensure
sufficient scrap tyres supply to meet increasing demand, we have also formed
strategic partnerships with many tyres retailers, large and small, across
Today, we are capable to produce at least 300 tonnes of rubber and 60 tonnes of
steel every month.
Gcycle aims to turn the scrap tyres into a valuable resource.
We are proudly involved in any tyre business.